Jacuzzi Tankless water heater installation manual

The TSTAT2 Wireless Remote Control provides remote temperature control of your Bosch tankless water heater.

It will work with the Bosch AquaStar 2700ES and 2400ES tankless water heaters.

It will also work with the following obsolete Bosch AquaStar models: Bosch 250SX / 250SXO / 2400E / 2400EO.

The TSTAT2 also works with the following Bosch Therm models: 830ES / 940ES / 940ESO / C 1050ES / C 1210ES / C1210ESC.

And it works with the following obsolete Bosch wholesale tankless water heaters: 635ES / 635ESO / 715ES / 800ES / 920ES / 920ESC.

The TSTAT2 Wireless Remote Control is designed to remotely control just the temperature of your Bosch tankless water heater. It does not have a reset button.

Installation is quick and easy. It just requires opening up the control panel, dropping in a small circuit board and connecting the circuit board to the control panel mother board with a short connector wire. The installation manual describes the process of getting your TSTAT2 to sync with your Bosch hot water heater.

Multiple TSTAT2 wireless remotes can be sync'ed with the same Bosch water heater. Temperature control cannot be adjusted while the water heater is in use for safety reasons.

The Bosch wireless remote is great for controlling the output temperature of your tankless water heater if you have a jacuzzi or hot tub. It can also be handy if you want to crank up the water temperature when running certain appliances, such as your dishwasher.

Generally speaking, you want to set your water temperature at the lowest level that will provide you with hot enough water for your shower. The lower the water temperature, the faster the water flows through your Bosch tankless water heater. The faster the water flows through the heater, the less likely that you will experience any on/off cycles if your application flow rate is too near the minimum activation rate of your hot water heater.
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2 x Ecosmart ECO 27 Electric Tankless Water Heater, 27 KW at 240 Volts with Patented Self Modulating Technology
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY for residential use
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